We support customers in determining strategic goals and measures for their data management and in identifying and integrating the right tools. With the targeted processing, analysis and reporting you can draw the correct conclusions and take suitable measures for your ongoing business success.
The continuing digitalization and the increasing interlinking of our business and social world summarized under keywords such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 generate an apparently untameable data flood: From the spacecraft to the domestic refrigerator, more and more sensors are installed. Devices and machines from smartphones to cars incessantly collect new data. Already in 2011 analysts at IDC and the journal CIO predicted that the data volume collected worldwide would duplicate every two years with this figure set to increase in future.
In fact, these data treasures often remain unused or insufficiently used. The paradox in this situation is: the larger the data amounts, the higher is their potential – but the more difficult it becomes to extract the relevant and useful information from them. This is why the phrasing of “data mining” has been coined as a term for this “information treasure hunt”.
Often even the right approach is lacking – which information sources and data are really relevant, how shall these be registered and processed and how can added values be made tangible and realized? INNOSOSL can assist you with a structured approach, in which – first of all – potential use cases are identified, manageable pilot projects assisted and from this further suitable steps derived to manage the apparent data chaos.